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Working Principle of Winch

The motor drives the steel wire rope drum through the reducer, retracts and puts the steel wire rope, and changes the direction through different pulleys. The technological requirements are mainly drum speed, that is, the speed of wire rope movement and the safety and reliability of the braking system. The winch is a relatively simple lifting or traction machine.

construction winch

The winch is a light and small lifting equipment that uses winding steel wire rope or chain to lift or pull heavy objects. The winch can lift vertically, horizontally or obliquely. The winch is divided into manual winch, electric winch and hydraulic winch.

The winch can be used alone, and can also be used as a component of hoisting, road building, mine hoisting and other machinery. It is widely used because of its simple operation, large amount of rope winding and convenient displacement. Mainly used in building, water conservancy engineering, forestry, mining, wharf and other materials lift or level drag.

marine winch

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    1.What will the winch be used for: ?

    2.Rated load(T) or pull force(KN): ?

    3.Drum capacity(mm x m): ?

    4.3 phase power supply(v/hz): ?

    5.Working speed(m/min): ?

    6.Your project introduction: project working site, project budget, etc.